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Data Protection / Privacy Policy

As of 25th May, the current laws on data are being replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which means all businesses now have to take greater care of your personal information and this includes how they collect, use and protect it and make sure our personal information is kept safe and secure by businesses that use it.

We are committed to keeping your information private and safe. Customer care and safety has always been of great importance to us and will always continue to be.

Personal data is anything that identifies you for E.G name, home address and email address. We will only collect and use this information where it is needed. 

We will only use the above named details  to post out your item/s and for invoices if necessary. After this time all information will be deleted and we will only keep your data for as long as we are required to do so by law.

We will keep postal receipts for tax purposes but these will be kept in a secure and locked filing cabinet. Electronic data such as emails, social media correspondence and website orders that contain personal data will be removed after your order has been delivered to you.

You can rest assure that we are committed to keeping our customer's personal data safe and secure and that is our on going promise to you our customer's.